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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – July 10, 2012 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Present:  Commissioners Gaudet-Wilson, Henderson, Hovious, Kaley and Cramer (at 7:36 pm)
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning and Land Use and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm



APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Commissioner Hovious motioned to approve the minutes of June 26, 2012, which was seconded by Commissioner Henderson.  Commissioner Kaley asked about the wording within the minutes regarding the kiosk at FFH (Fairfield Hills).  After discussion, wording of the sentence “Marj Cramer suggested that two kiosks be built to be placed at either end of the trail at FFH to explain the barberry removal project.” should be changed to “Commissioner Cramer suggested that two kiosks be built and placed at either end of the trail at FFH, partly to explain the barberry removal project.”  The minutes were approved as amended.


Project Management/Task List/Calendar – No updates.


Fairfield Hills Open Space -

  • Barberry Removal Project – Mr. Sibley said he and Carl Samuelson (Parks and Rec) wrote the request for bid and forwarded it to the Bidding Committee.  Once approved, it will be noticed to the public.
  • Kiosks at FFH – Commissioner Cramer opened discussion.  Since there are budget constraints, she suggested the kiosks be built by/financed by volunteers.  Mr. Sibley is having a meeting with Amy Mangold, Director of Parks and Rec., to discuss this.  He explained how any work done on the campus must be approved through the FFH Authority and any other commission or Town department involved.  Also, there is a landscaping addendum to the FFH Master Plan that provides guidelines on permanent or physical features on campus.  Mr. Sibley suggested commissioners review the master plan before designing kiosks, etc.  He also said the red signs on campus are a good indication of the type of design the Authority is looking for.  Some commissioners felt the kiosk can be more comprehensive in its content.
  • Mad Dash Restoration – Mr. Sibley said the area has been graded, raked and seeded.  Land Use Staff is working on the process of requirements to be met regarding future events on at FFH.
Mowing of the High Meadow – Mr. Sibley said he spoke briefly with Anthony Calabrese (the farmer who mows fields in town).  Mr. Calabrese will contact Mr. Sibley to when he is not as busy.  The high meadow has been mowed.  Commissioner Wilson shared concerns over the timing of the mowing and its effects on wildlife habitat (butterflies and nesting birds).  Mr. Sibley will update the commission with more information when he meets with Mr. Calabrese.  

Work Orders – No updates.
Open Space 37-3-14 – No updates.

High School Volunteers – Commissioner Kaley met with a high school sophomore volunteer, Daisy, who is on-board with helping the commission.  She will be working on the flyer for the Pole Bridge Preserve.  It was suggested that information gathered for the flyer can also be placed on the Kiosk.  

NRI - Mr. Sibley said the commissioners comments were given to Bill Root from Milone and MacBroom but that he since has not heard back from.  Commissioners Wilson, Hovious and Kaley will work on a subcommittee to integrate the original NRI document with an addendum of the commissioner’s comments.  


Trail Building Sub-Committee – It was noted that the approval sheet should be incorporated into the draft document of the trail building proposal guideline.  

Forest Evaluation – No updates.

OS Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Mr. Sibley said that the open space transfers and lot-line revisions will be placed on the Legislative Council’s agenda.  The commissioners and Mr. Sibley discussed the master space inventory spreadsheet and its ability to be updated without duplication of efforts and the ability to access the document remotely from home.  The commissioners shared concerns over not having this document more readily available.  Mr. Sibley will discuss these concerns with GIS.

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – Mr. Sibley said that marking will resume for the Laurel Trails property, Pond Brook and Sanford Road and that each one takes about 3 weeks.  Pole Bridge can be marked once the surveying is complete.  

Conservation Easement on WWTP - P&R – No updates.

Status of Halfway River Fishing Access – Mr. Sibley received a draft from Spath-Bjorkland which will be sent to the State for approval.  Upon its approval, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Office in New Hampshire will review it.

Iroquois Invasive Documentation – no updates.

Education Sub-Committee

  • Pole Bridge Preserve Pamphlet – The commission discussed the content of the pamphlet.  Mr. Sibley said he and Steve Birney (GIS) walked two of the Pole Bridge Preserve trails with the GIS.  The map generated from this can be used for the pamphlet and kiosk.  The Legislative Council needs to approve the transfer of the property first before the pamphlet can be done.  Mr. Sibley discussed how the removal of the Barberry in the meadow greatly improved the area and feels it is one of the most robust and beautiful meadows in Town.  The strategy for removing these invasives can be used as an example of meadow management in other open space parcels.  The ten year anniversary for the purchase of Pole Bridge is this Fall and Mr. Sibley suggested it would be a good time for a re-dedication celebration.  More Barberry removal is slated for October.  
  • Barberry Banner and other AV materials – The commissioners discussed where the Barberry banners can go in town.  
Invasives Sub-Committee – Commissioner Hovious discussed CIPWG CT Invasive Plant Work Group that is being held on October 25th 8am in Storrs.  Mr. Sibley suggested two commissioners attend.  

  • Mile-A-Minute Update – Commissioner Henderson is waiting to hear from Ann Astarita.
  • Letter to Landholders – Commissioner Cramer opened discussion and said the letter is complete.  Mr. Sibley will provide a list of the Town’s larger landowners (20+ acres) and Ms. Hazen will mail merge the letter with the list of landowners.  
  • Inspection of Private Properties – Some residents have called to ask for help with invasives.  On land where the invasives are too numerous, the commission will suggest the property owner call in a professional to help with the removal.
Al’s Trail – Commissioner Kaley discussed working on Al’s Trail with Pat Barkman.  They created a new loop trail near the natural bridge.  Mr. Sibley said there is an Eagle Scout who may be interested in making a kiosk.  Commissioner Hovious said there may be funding assistance from Trout Unlimited.  


Commissioner Hovious forwarded information on the CT Audubon Society’s information on open space law.  

The strategic planning committee will meet on August 1st at 9:00 am.  

Commissioner Hovious motioned to enter Executive session at 9:00 pm.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Motion was approved unanimously.

Commissioner Kaley motioned to adjourn at 9:08 pm.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Motion was approved unanimously.